Monday, April 7, 2014

Day 1

Day 1 of my log.

As I'm recovering from a knee surgery, I'm still working on my training pad only. I'm at home a lot, since I'm not working (because of the surgery I mentioned). That being said, the conclusion is quite obvious: I'm having a lot of free time to practice. And that's about to end, sadly.

My training pad.

So, this is what I did today:

As I've mentioned... A lot of (pad only) stuff.
I'm struggling with a session of the 20min. workout that is a 16th note triplet RLL RLL pattern. Those doubles start alright, but my left (and retarded) hand quickly starts to wobble around, no control at all. Same happens with another session of the same exercise: Doubles in 32th notes.
With the Paradiddles and accents the difficulty was understanding the movements and the timing... It was expected, since it's the first time I did this exercise. It was actually easier than I thought.
The Singles - Speed Accel (click track starts at 80bpm and slowly gets to 180bpm) is tough as usual. I'm able to play at the faster tempos, but I'm struggling at maintaining the beat with left hand... Practice, practice, practice, I guess... That also happens with the same exercise with Doubles.

In general: My left hand is still giving me a hard time... Guess I'll focus on getting that fixed ASAP.

Man, can't wait to be able to play again... This pad only thing is starting to suck really bad already... =(

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