Monday, April 14, 2014

Day 7


First week of the blog ended. That was a good week... I've managed to work on the pad everyday. I hope I keep this rhythm for a long time.

Here's today practice:
My left hand seems to be getting worse. I don't really know what's going on... It seems clumsier than ever. I'm focusing only on it lately, so maybe it's just an impression... But I'll keep working on it 'til it gets decent.

I'm freezing the 20min. workout until I manage to get it clean and good once. It's been 3 days since the last time a got a decent one... Guess I found my BPM limit... Gotta stress this one out for a while.

Finger control Technique is getting more solid... But I'm still struggling to get my left hand work with control and speed. I just started this one though.

First thing I've decided since my first video review on Drumeo: I'll prioritize the exercises from my Student Plan: 20 min. Drumming Workout, 3's, 5's and 7's, Push-Pull Technique and the De-Stupifying Left Hand. I'm also putting the lesson on ghost notes in the line.

Tomorrow I'll be back to work... Let's see how much time I'll be able to practice... Bye.

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